Monday, 4th April 2022 at 7.30pm (Doors open 7pm)
Stansted Day Centre, Crafton Green, Stansted
- Apologies
- Chairman’s Address
- Treasurer’s Report
- Election of Trustees and Officers
- Presentation of Charlie Page Cup
- Any Other Business
Under clause 13(1) of BSBKA’s constitution, all of the Trustees shall retire at the first AGM but may offer themselves for re-election. The candidates standing for election at this AGM are listed below.
- John Palombo
- Andrew Crossley
- John Dockerill
- Simon Rice
- Robert Croft
The Trustees delegate the day to day running of the CIO to an Executive Committee. The candidates standing as officers of the Executive Committee are listed below.
- Chair – John Palombo
- Treasurer – Alan Gardiner
- Secretary – Kate Walker Pay
Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2021
BSBKA CIO Constitution
BSBKA Executive Committee Charter